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2022 tundra swan migration underway at Aylmer Wildlife Management Area

Update: March 6, 2022

The annual tundra swan migration has begun at Aylmer Wildlife Management Area!

 The Swan information line 519-773-7926(SWAN) will open on March 1st courtesy of the Aylmer Museum and Eastlink and the swan count will be updated regularly.  All viewing stands will be open this season with the following restrictions: Twenty Five (25) people maximum per viewing stand and masks are mandatory as directed by the MNDMNRF. All viewing stands will be posted as such. Swan Feeding will commence once the swans arrive and occur early each morning for the duration of the migration thanks to local volunteers. The Tundra Swan Interpretative program will be limited this season. Directional signage will be installed once the migration commences. Local media will be notified of the arrival of the swans at AWMA.